I know... I know.. it's the 14th.. but better late then never!!! Plus if any of you are my friends on facebook and the AWAA yahoo group you've already seen the post.. but as of Friday, December 2nd our Dossier was shipped via FedEx to Ethiopia and it arrived the following Weds, December 7th. We are finally officially in line! What a strange feeling of release and blessing. The release of almost 9 months of paperwork.. and for those of you who are just starting the journey of the paper chase most are an average of 3-6 months-- Our time frame dragged on due to being self employed (needed more paperwork), living in Florida (over a 2 month wait for physicals due to the snowbirds being in town) and God's perfect timing in providing our finances. The blessing of seeing in the past 9 months the Lord working in amazing ways and bringing people into our lives at just the right moments in our journey to help in our decisions and to confirm our calling of adoption.
Deb Gangemi- if you are reading this post.. We are coming up to the one year mark of when Josh and I came to your home in Sarasota to put soapstone in your kitchen. Tears are flooding my eyes at the memory. You breathed encouragement and hope into my heart that day. The words of the Lord that you spoke are coming true everyday.. He is providing every penny and we know that this is His will!!! Thank you for being so kind and so sensitive to the Holy Spirit! I pray for the Lord's blessing on you and your beautiful family this Christmas! (we also completed the MAPP class through the Florida Baptist Children's home back in October.. WOW!! What an amazing class and it touched our hearts in so many ways. We are praying about the future and the possibility of adopting through the Foster Care System.)
We hope that by next Christmas there will be 2 less!!!!