Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Last 4 Months

Wow, were to begin?  first off I have kinda sorta been avoiding the world.. well at least this blog.   Since February, Josh went to Haiti on a missions trip with a crew from FBCPC.  I went to an amazing beyond words Created For Care Conference that still has my heart broken and excited about all the joys and struggles that will come with being an adoptive mommy.   Was busy for the next month running Miss Charlotte Fastpitch Softball.. and then the floor dropped out.. about 2 months ago Josh was feeling some tightness "down there".  We though possibly a hernia due to all his lifting and thankfully didn't procrastinate a doctors visit.   They sent him to get an MRI and called is to immediately set up a meeting with a specialist.   In the matter of 2 weeks from the moment of the first dr's visit  Josh was in the operating room to have surgery for testicular cancer.  

At the Created For Care Conference the lady who was the key note speaker said with such wisdom that "there will be times, many times during your walk that the bridge will end and God will lead you one step at a time to get you to the other side.   How true were those words.   The peace and comfort that came at just the right moments were given by His grace and through the amazing power of our church friends, friends in general and our family members prayers.    Less then a week after surgery we were up at Moffitt with CT Scans and blood work post surgery results and a huge answer to prayer that the cancer was contained and removed.   He will simply need to have blood work and scans done periodically over the few years for precautionary measures.

As for the adoption, We are patiently waiting for God's perfect timing.  This we hope is just a bump in the road but continue to pray diligently for our children wherever they may be for their safety and their hearts.

I know this is a short post considering all that has been going on.. but the emotions of the past few months are still being processed and thought over and over again in my mind.  

We pray that we both stay focused on God's kingdom and hold firm to the rock of our Salvation.